About Us

SmileyAnswers is the world’s leading, preferred multinational full-service solution provider of HappyOrNot® services.

SmileyAnswers has been providing the HappyOrNot® solution, since 2012 and trusted by hundreds of clients. We provide our clients with patient, customer and employee feedback solutions for many industries including healthcare, managed service, government, retail, and many more. Our solutions portfolio includes the Smiley Terminal™, Smiley Touch™ and Smiley Digital™.

We pride ourselves on being centric to our client’s needs by delivering valid, credible, and real-time actionable insights. This enables our clients to improve their employee, patient and customer engagement strategies.

  • We are the only preferred multinational firm offering HappyOrNot® services since 2012
  • We are problem solvers for our valued clients by improving human experiences

  • We are an experienced trusted team with long-term satisfied clients

  • We are an extension and resource of your organization

  • We fill the gap where other similar solutions fall short

trusted clients in the US, Canada & the UK

All-inclusive support services that will literally make you smile

Setting the standard for service and support in the Customer and Employee Engagement Solutions Industry

green smiley

We are here to help…

support services

  • Phone and email support provided. Live chat support is available (beta). Response times are usually well within 24 business hours

  • We provide support to facilitate set-up training, email and online reporting inquiries, along with device troubleshooting

  • Our support team offers full managed and remote admin service as listed

And help you run the service

managed & remote admin

  • Customer Support professionals help you to create, edit and delete folders, surveys and users, including initial set-up and ongoing changes requested by client

  • Managed and remote Admin is provided through the normal support function, during our support hours and with normal case prioritization rules

  • Live onboarding and admin training sessions are also provided

Support & Onboarding

We have an experienced and dedicated Support and Onboarding team to ensure all of our clients are 100% satisfied with our services all the time.