Achieve unparalleled ‘speed to value’ via in-the-moment and continuous EX insights
“With the HappyOrNot daily measurement, we are able to track and fix any issues with employee satisfaction immediately.”
Johanna Pystynen
CEO, Vincit, Finland
Other brands already using the HappyOrNot SmileyAnswers™ solution
Employee Experience Today
U.S. Companies lose between $450-500b each year due to disengaged employees
…of execs said that employee engagement is critical to their company’s success
…of US employees are engaged in the workplace
…increase in profitability as a result of a highly engaged workforce
…increase in employees feeling empowered to do their best work when their voice is heard
…more employee satisfaction and nearly double the customer retention
Reasons for employee disengagement include lack of motivation, lower sense of responsibility, poor customer service, turnover and negative word-of-mouth.
Determine how employees feel ‘in the moment’ and immediately address the bad experiences, build on the good experiences, and show you are listening!
Sources: Gallup; Trade Press Services; Hays; smarp; Forbes; Rackspace.
Differentiate yourself from the pack with SmileyAnswers
The next-gen CX management tool that lets you monitor customer sentiment in real-time and take action
Align data collection with business goals and make EX a verifiable and actionable KPI of organization success.