Depending on the specific need for care by a patient, there will be multiple points of experience that they will go through within their visit at a healthcare facility.  Because of the various amount of staff that the patient will be engaged with as well as the amount of interactions between the patient, staff, and healthcare facility, it is important to understand how the patient is being treated and cared for along their experience.  Measuring and improving this experience will be vital for health facility to increase patient satisfaction.

The Points of Experience

There are a tremendous amount of touchpoints a patient receives along their experience when they visit a healthcare facility.  Some of these may include web services, valet services, reception, waiting areas, emergency room, security, cafeteria, restrooms, imaging, laboratory, discharge/exit, and many more.

As a person who would be in charge of the experience for patients, the task can be enormous as the amount of points of experience and their touchpoints can add up quickly.  Being able to understand what is happening at the facility in real-time can make significant positive changes for patients, employees, and the healthcare facility.

HappyOrNot® Web Smiley’s, Smiley Terminals, Smiley Walls, and Smiley Touches

As a patient reviews web services before, during, and after the visit, the Web Smiley from HappyOrNot® is there to capture this point of experience with real-time feedback that can be monitored by the staff.  The question is designed by the healthcare facility to receive the right type of information about the patient’s website experience.  The HappyOrNot® Smiley’s are designed with the four feedback buttons for the patient to choose from.  There are two green ones to capture positive feedback and two red ones to receive negative perceptions.  Once chosen, the next screen allows the patient to go into detail on why they chose the color/face that they did.  This feedback will be received by the healthcare facility in real time.

As the patient moves into and along their experience at the healthcare facility, the other points of experience perceptions can be captured by the Smiley Terminal, the Smiley Wall, and the Smiley Touch.

The Smiley Terminal is a portable kiosk that has the four buttons along with a question designed to bring out the perception of that particular point of experience.  The question can be changed and the terminal can be moved to different touchpoints to measure and improve various points of experience.  The Smiley Wall is the Smiley Terminal without the kiosk and can be secured on a wall to provide more floor space.

The Smiley Touch allows deeper insight for a patient which allows a more detailed description of the patient’s perception of their experience.  First, a patient chooses one of the green or red buttons.  It then goes to a second screen where the patient selects a reason for their choice (highlights for green choices and pain points for red responses), and the third screen is for typed feedback to allow the patient to further describe their thoughts.  The questions and second screen choices are made by the healthcare facility and the feedback is designed to be anonymous to receive a more accurate measurement.

With the availability and versatility of the Smiley’s, the healthcare facility can move them along various points of experience to capture feedback that is crucial to understanding how the patient views their experience.  This constant measurement, along with the follow up changes to make positive improvements, will allow the staff to enhance patient satisfaction.

HappyOrNot® Reporting Dashboard

While the feedback is measured by the Smiley’s, the reporting of the feedback goes to the HappyOrNot® dashboard.  This is where the HappyOrNot® system can shine great light on how the patients are viewing their experiences.  With a quick look at all of the locations of where there is the collection of feedback, the experience can be measured either at a specific experience point or it can be measured by the whole experience itself.  The knowledge obtained with this overview can be instrumental in providing positive changes for patients and staff.

Wrapping it up

It can seem overwhelming at times when a person thinks about all the perceptions, expectations, inputs, touchpoints, and interactions along a patient’s experience.  Managing this with so many patients and staff members is a challenging task.  HappyOrNot® helps a healthcare facility gather all these perceptions into one location in real-time.  Having the ability to measure and improve experiences in real time provides a healthcare facility an advantage over those who do not.  This is because they are capturing more accurate perceptions and can make changes faster than those who do not have this advantage.  Lastly, having the ability to capture understand a negative sentiment and then having the resources to change the circumstances to improve on those negative experiences sends a strong message to patients and their families that the facility is driven to excellent patient care and stands by it to improve the lives of the patients it serves.

Points of Experience in Healthcare – How do you manage them?