Many factors contribute to the success and failure of a business and customer satisfaction is one of them. It is one area of a business that should never be ignored. Customer satisfaction is essential to monitor and improve to ensure customer loyalty, and where possible, your brand advocates. If you don’t care about your customers’ satisfaction levels then why should they care about your products or services?

Why Choose HappyOrNot®’s Customer Satisfaction Solution?

Simplicity is what makes HappyOrNot® systems work so well. There is no customer surveys, focus groups, people haranguing you, no comment cards or mystery shoppers. There is only a freestanding (or wall-mounted) battery-powered terminal with four buttons your customers or employees press to record their level of satisfaction. The buttons range from a dark green happy smiling face, a light green less happy face, light red slightly unhappy face, to dark red very unhappy face. In a nutshell, the HappyOrNot® systems are easy for you to set up and easy for your customer or employee to use.

Our HappyOrNot® Systems

We offer the following HappyOrNot® systems:

Smiley Terminal – is the original feedback collection system created by HappyOrNot® using four “smiley” face buttons customers can press to show their level of satisfaction with a particular service or product being assessed. The faces range from very happy for positive responses to unhappy faces for negative responses. They are also colour-coded to indicate the level of customer satisfaction.

Smiley Touch – Smiley Touch is the latest innovation from HappyOrNot®, creator of the globally-recognizable ‘Smiley’ feedback system. The system harnesses the latest in technology yet simple to navigate. The HappyOrNot® Smiley Touch terminal has a stylish touchscreen which can be set up within minutes. The system provides a way of collecting the views of either your customers or employees within minutes, which is beneficial to your business.

Web Smileys – measures predominately your customer’s online experience. The Web Smiley can be positioned on your website to ask the user how their experience was. It is fully compatible with the Smiley Terminal and Smiley Touch and there is no IT support required as it is simply a matter of placing some coding within your website.


A built-in misuse protection function which filters excess use of button pressing in relation to the Smiley Terminal and Touch.

A real-time alert which makes you aware of the decline in a particular service through an email notification system.

The versatile reporting function allows you to access the data results24/7 either from HappyOrNot®’s online dashboard, via a mobile, or have the results emailed to you directly.

Two result formats: First, Quick view gives an overview of your key performance results. It is presented through simple and informative widgets. This helps you to focus on the essential points rather than having to collate it yourself. Second, a much more detailed report enables you to look at long-term trends and analysis of when, where and what the pain points of your business are. It gives you the opportunity to fine tune your business so it meets the needs of your customers and employees.

In addition, there is a click and share an image that enables you to share the results online. The data also can be exported to the Excel, PowerPoint, and converted into a PDF, customer reports, and images.

Final thought with regard to customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction ensures the loyalty of your customers and increases your revenue. Happy employees give their best and by doing so drive the business forward. If your customers get a proper service you will get the proper returns. HappyOrNot® solutions enable you to increase your customer satisfaction.

customer satisfaction