One of the key beliefs within the healthcare industry is the better the patient feel emotionally the faster they will heal physically. To achieve this goal it is vital that healthcare providers gain an insight as to what their patients and visitors are feeling.

Every day our HappyOrNot® service monitors and collects information from many areas of the healthcare industry. This, in turn, provides a summary of the quality of care and performance. Typical questions could be: How satisfied were you with your service today? Please rate your quality of care? Your satisfaction with the waiting room time? and so on. All this helps providers to measure the positive and negatives factors and indicate where improvements are needed.

In March 2016 according to the data collected by HappyOrNot® insights, from over 6 million patient responses in over 25 countries, the global average patient level of satisfaction was 88.02%. The top 5 countries were Sweden 92.37%, Finland 91.92%, Norway 90.75%, USA 89.33%, and Denmark 89.29%.

With over ten years of global insight into both private and public healthcare facilities, our HappyOrNot® service can help you improve your patient and visitor satisfaction levels as well as the care you are providing your patients.

HappyOrNot® Systems

Smiley Terminal– The first terminal created by HappyOrNot® uses a four-face smiley system. The first two faces, coloured green, provide a range of positive feedback, while the other two faces, coloured red, provide negative feedback. The terminals are wireless so you can place them where is convenient for your patients and visitors.

Smiley Touch – This system works in a similar way to the Smiley Terminal but is more versatile with a touchscreen option. Simple to set-up, and easy for patients and visitors to use. There is a three-question system, the last with an open feedback option allowing users to express their level of satisfaction.

Web Smileys– Another simple but effective way to gather feedback you need, this system measures the level of satisfaction felt by your users while visiting your website. By simply placing coding within your websiteWeb Smiley system is fully compatible with the Smiley Terminal and Smiley Touch with no IT support needed.


A built-in misuse protection feature filters excess use of button pressing in relation to the Smiley Terminal and Touch.

A real-time alert system which emails you a notification to make you aware of a decline in a particular service or product.

The systems reporting function allows you to look at the data results at any time of the day or night from HappyOrNot®’s online dashboard, or via a mobile, or have the results emailed to you directly.

Two kinds of the result: First, quick view, gives a summary of your key performance results. It can be viewed through easy to use and informative widgets. This lets you concentrate on the important points rather than having to collate it yourself.

Second, more detailed reports enable you to look at long-term trends and focus when, where and what the positive and negative areas are. In turn, it gives you the ability to fine-tune your business to meet the needs of your customers and visitors. In addition, there is a click and share an image which enables you to share the results online. The data also can be exported to Excel, PowerPoint, converted into a PDF, customer reports, and images.
Final Thought HappyOrNot® Within the Healthcare Industry

Understanding and managing the quality of care and patient satisfaction is a continuous endeavour all healthcare providers must commit to. Using HappyOrNot® systems gives an advantage to those who actively track their performance from the perspective of patients and visitors. Gaining insights into when and where to make improvements in the patients’ quality of care is vital.

Making important changes and justify improvement initiatives is achievable by using our collecting feedback systems in the healthcare environment. Pinpointing specific areas, hours, or days with lower satisfaction levels helps healthcare organisations to understand their performance. Not only can it pay off financially, but in the community as well by gaining the confidence of patients which they care for.

HappyOrNot® Within the Healthcare Industry